This Themed Workout of the Day is a Great Way to Honor Your Veterans

Like we do every November, it’s time to take a moment to honor the servicemen and women in our lives. Veterans’ Day, honored each year on November 11th, is a critical component of our nation’s celebration and appreciation for the sacrifice of every veteran who has served our country and kept us safe.

While we take time to remember the fallen and honor those who came before us, Veterans’ Day is also a time to show appreciation for the experiences of our loved ones in the Armed Forces. And with that in mind, we’ve created a Veterans’ Day themed workout based on the real exercises and endurance training our servicemember friends and family practice during training. No special equipment required — just your bodyweight, some space to work out, and enough grit and determination to finish the mission.

Give this workout a try today — we promise it’ll give you a new appreciation for the strength, discipline, and training of our brothers and sisters in the Armed Forces. And if you’re looking for a leg up on your regular bodyweight workouts, want to get in as good a shape as your Boot Camp days, or just want to build your endurance, get in touch with our team at Our team of certified, expert personal trainers will help you reach fitness goals you never imagined.

The Ultimate Veterans’ Day Bodyweight Workout

This is a HIIT-style full bodyweight workout designed to test the limits of your endurance. Working in three cycles, you’ll target every major muscle group in your body. For the best results, take yourself through one full cycle of these exercises, take a break to catch your breath for 60 seconds, then continue until you’ve completed three full repetitions.

See you on the other side!

  • Inchworms: 5

  • Jumping Jacks: 50

  • Mountain Climbers: 40

  • Spiderman: 20

  • Toe Taps (High Plank): 20

  • Hip Dips (Low Plank): 20

  • Repeat three times for maximum impact!

How to Complete the Exercises


To complete an inchworm, start by standing tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Fold at the waist and bring your hands down in front of your toes, then “inchworm” your way forward on your hands until you’ve reached a high plank position. Bring yourself down into a pushup, back up into high plank, and crawl your way back up to standing.


We all remember these from childhood! This cardio exercise begins in a standing position with your feet together. Jump, spreading your feet wide and raising your hands above your head, then jump back to your start position.


Starting from a high plank, pull one knee up to your chest, stepping as far forward as you can. Bring your leg back to high plank position and repeat with the other knee.


A Spiderman plank takes its name from our favorite webslinger. Starting in a high plank position, lift your right knee so your leg is horizonal to the ground, then bring your right knee up to touch your right elbow. Return to a high plank and repeat the exercise on the left side.

TOE TAPS (High Plank)

Starting again from a high plank, move one foot out to the side by about 12 inches, tapping your toes against the ground, then return to your starting position. Repeat with the other foot, tapping about 12 inches away on the other side.

HIP DIPS (Low Plank)

Finally, start in a low plank with your elbows and forearms on the ground. Engaging your core, twist your body so your hips point to the side rather than the floor. In one fluid motion, keeping your core engaged, twist back through your center plank position and to the other side. Repeat on both sides.

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