7 Kettlebell Exercises for Ultimate Weight Loss

A few days ago, the F3 personal trainer team sat down to answer a major client question: What are the best kettlebell exercises to lose weight?

As the resident kettlebell experts here in the DMV, we put our heads together to find the 7 best kettlebell workouts for fat loss. And today, we’re sharing them with you! What these exercises have in common is that they work out as many muscle groups as possible. In fact, that’s one of the (many!) things we love about kettlebell workouts: Exercising with a kettlebell impacts many more muscles than you might expect — and all over your body! That’s why kettlebells are the best exercise tool for losing weight quickly and at an equal rate in different parts of your body.

Whether your goal is to trim a few pounds after the holidays, finally fit into those jeans you’ve been keeping in the back of your closet, or just to look good and feel great as we head into the New Year, we’ve got you covered.

Here are the F3 team’s 7 best kettlebell exercises for weight loss and fat loss!

1. How To Do The Kettlebell Swing

If there’s one thing we love at F3, it’s the kettlebell swing. This classic kettlebell move forms the basis of the best kettlebell workouts for weight loss. It’s also one of the first things you learn when you’re new to using a kettlebell. A kettlebell swing targets most major muscle groups in the body with particular emphasis on your back and core, without much of a knee bend (helpful for people recovering from injury or with previous knee issues!). At the same time, this cardiovascular exercise develops breath control and improves metabolism. As with all kettlebell exercises, the key to success with a kettlebell swing is in your form, not in the weight you’re swinging.

How do you do a kettlebell swing? It’s simple — and remember that form is key! Start in a gentle squat with your knees slightly bent and the kettlebell held between your legs. In one powerful movement with your core engaged, stand up straight and raise the kettlebell so your hands are on a level with your shoulders. Then, swing the kettlebell back down, squatting as you go, until the kettlebell swings between your legs and close to your rear. Repeat the exercise by “swinging” between standing and squatting, making sure to keep your core engaged and your back straight.

2. How To Do The Kettlebell Clean and Press

A form of deadlift, the kettlebell clean and press activates the muscles in the core, shoulder, biceps, back, and chest while you move from a bending position to standing.

How do you do a kettlebell clean and press? This kettlebell exercise starts in a gentle bend with the kettlebell on the floor between your feet. With your free arm slightly extended for balance, lift the kettlebell off the floor and up to your shoulder (with your elbow bent). Then, in a powerful “pressing” motion, lift the kettlebell above your head until your arm is fully extended. Finally, allow the kettlebell to move smoothly through the reverse of the exercise, pausing at your shoulder and then down between your feet. For best results, do not let the kettlebell touch the ground between repetitions.

3. How To Do The Kettlebell Clean, Squat, and Press

This fat burning kettlebell exercise is a natural progression of the clean and press, adding a deep squat between the “clean” and “press” sections. This is an absolute fat blaster of a kettlebell workout — the squat activates your core, glutes, thighs, calves, and legs, while the clean and press activate, well — everything else!

How do you do a kettlebell clean, squat, and press? Start standing with the kettlebell on the floor between your feet. Lean over to pick up the kettlebell in a traditional “clean”, until you’re standing straight with the kettlebell at your shoulder. Then, extending your free hand for balance, sink into a deep squat. Finally, in one smooth, powerful movement, stand up and bring the kettlebell up over your head in the familiar “press.”

4. How To Do The Kettlebell Lunge and Press

The kettlebell lunge and press is a great kettlebell exercise for the legs. There’s a reason we never skip leg day at F3! This exercise, best used as a progression from the kettlebell squat or the regular kettlebell press, strengthens the knees, hips, legs, and buttocks while also engaging the core — key muscle groups related to weight loss and fat loss.

How do you do a kettlebell lunge and press? Start in a standing position with your elbow bent and the kettlebell held at shoulder height. With the leg on the side you’re holding the kettlebell, step backwards into a low lunge. In the same smooth, powerful movement, return to standing and “press” the kettlebell up over your head until your arm is fully extended.

5. How To Do The Kettlebell Snatch

One added benefit of this kettlebell exercise that targets every major muscle group in your body is that it works wonders on your posture. Considered an “ultimate cardio exercise,” the kettlebell snatch brings the kettlebell from the floor to straight overhead in a fluid motion that activates all the key muscles for weight loss and fat loss. It’s not for beginners, though, so make sure you’ve mastered your form before trying the kettlebell snatch on for size!

How do you do a kettlebell snatch? Start standing with the kettlebell on the ground between your feet. Start the motion like you would a regular kettlebell swing, but using only one hand. Swing the bell toward your rear like you normally would, but when you shoot into a standing position, use the power of your motion to lift the kettlebell above your head, twisting your hand and shoulder so that your forearm faces out. Then, complete the downswing like you would in a normal kettlebell swing. The secret to this motion is to keep your core engaged.

6. How To Do The Kettlebell High Pull

This advanced kettlebell exercise for fat loss should only be attempted once you’ve mastered the form of the kettlebell swing — without the building blocks of the kettlebell swing, you are at a greater risk of injury. You can consider the kettlebell high pull a more “advanced” version of the kettlebell swing: The movement is faster, and you’re also only using one arm, so the targeted muscle engagement is perfectly primed for quick, effective fat loss.

How do you do a kettlebell high pull? Start in the same sturdy position you use for kettlebell swings. Sink into a squat to pick up the kettlebell with one hand. Then, extending your free hand for balance, swing the kettlebell backward toward your buttocks then up into a strong standing position. When the kettlebell reaches the height of your shoulder, “pull” your arm back and bend your elbow to engage the shoulder (think of the motion like starting a lawn mower). Finally, carry the rest of your swing back down, between the legs, and up toward the buttocks. Repeat in one smooth, strong, fluid motion.

7. How To Do The Kettlebell Squat and Press (or “Thruster”)

We saved this one for last because of all of the kettlebell weight loss exercises included on this list, the kettlebell squat and press (or “thruster”) activates almost every muscle in the body while raising the heart rate and boosting your cardiovascular system. The depth of your squat is key here — a deep squat activates the muscles in our thighs, calves, core, and buttocks, all of which have a massive impact on weight loss.

How do you do a kettlebell thruster? The kettlebell squat and press starts in a sturdy standing position with your feet a little more than shoulder width apart. Holding the kettlebell by the bell (the round part) at your chest, sink into a deep squat that engages your buttocks by bringing your thighs parallel to the floor. Then, in one powerful “thrust,” come up to standing while pushing the kettlebell above your head until your arms are fully extended. Repeat the exercise by sinking into another squat, then “thrusting” back to standing.

Are you ready for action?! Armed with these kettlebell exercises for fat loss and weight loss, you can start your fitness, wellness, and weight loss journey today! For accountability and expert guidance, get in touch with our team to schedule a FREE 30-minute full-body fitness consultation. We’ll take you through everything you need to know about your body’s current fitness, nutrition, and wellness, and create a custom routine catered to your body, your schedule, and your experience level to help you see maximum results.

Send us an email at sarah@f3wellnessconnections.com to get started!

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