Celebrate World Health Day With 9 Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle

Did you know April 7th is World Health Day? Organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), World Health Day raises awareness about health issues and encourages people to start healthy habits that can improve — and extend — their lives.

This World Health Day, the F3 team has gathered the 9 best tips for living a healthier lifestyle. Give one a try — or try ‘em all! However you celebrate World Health Day is up to you. As long as you’re investing in yourself, you’re celebrating!

1. Maintain a healthy weight.

Did you know that obesity is a major risk factor for severe diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and some forms of cancer? It’s true. Maintaining a weight that’s healthy for you is key to maximizing your lifestyle. But you don’t have to fit into size zero jeans to be healthy. Some people’s healthiest weight falls above the national average. What’s best for you will depend on genetics, lifestyle, and even your environment. Get in touch with one of F3’s expert personal trainers to learn more.

2. Get regular checkups from your doctor.

Nobody likes going to the dentist, but there’s a reason we go. Preventative medicine — annual physicals, eye exams, dental cleanings, blood pressure checks — help us stay healthy longer. Regular doctor’s visits are the key to early detection, which is critical to fighting some of the most dangerous diseases. So go ahead and schedule that trip to the dermatologist you’ve been meaning to get on the calendar!

3. Have a healthy diet — without going on a “diet.”

A healthy diet consists of healthy fats, proteins, vegetables, and more. There’s an unfortunate trend in the health and wellness sector that “crash diets” — you know, things that promise you’ll lose 40 lbs in 4 weeks — are the key to a happy life, but that’s just not true. Crash diets and other exclusionary nutrition styles can create something called the “rubber band” effect. You lose the weight, then cravings or circumstances force you off the diet and all that weight comes snapping back — and often, more comes right with it. The trick is finding a balanced, nutritious, delicious daily diet that keeps your body full, your muscles energized, and your taste buds happy.

4. Get more exercise.

The weather’s finally (FINALLY!!!) warming up, and we can see the sun again. That means it’s high time for a walk around the lake, a long fetch session in the park with your dog, or just a stroll around the shops downtown. However you can get your blood pumping, go for it. Choose low-impact options like gentle yoga or stretching, or go for the goal with high-intensity interval training. (Ask us about our kettlebell personal training programs — they’re kinda our thing!!)

5. Practice good sleep hygiene.

“Sleep hygiene” doesn’t mean changing into clean sweatpants before you go to bed. No, good sleep hygiene means you’re getting enough sleep on a regular schedule without drastic variations. Like weight and diet, the amount of sleep you need depends on your body. In general, you should be getting up and going to bed around the same time every day, although some people can get by on 6-7 hours of sleep while others need more like 9 or 10. To improve sleep quality, make sure your room is dark, cool, and quiet. If you live in a city, have loud neighbors, or just need a little extra help getting to sleep, a white noise machine, ambient music, or sleep podcasts can help you snooze away.

6. Manage your stress.

Have you ever heard the phrase “Stress is killer”? It’s not just a saying — it’s very true. High stress levels and high levels of cortisol — the “stress chemical” — have been linked to dangerous health conditions like high blood pressure, strokes, aneurysms, and even cancer. Managing your stress will help you live a calmer, happier lifestyle. We love stress-relieving activities like journaling, yoga, guided meditation, or simply stopping to smell the flowers. However you can cut down on stress, make it happen. Your body will thank you!

7. Quit smoking.

It’s not like it’s news, but it definitely bears repeating. If you smoke, try to break that habit as soon as possible. Smoking is terrible for your lungs, skin, heart, and teeth, and years of smoking can lead to dangerous health complications down the line. Do yourself a favor and quit while you’re ahead. Talk to a nutritional coach, your doctor, or a local support organization to find resources on quitting. You can also visit websites like the CDC’s or QuitAssist.com to find online resources that will help you get in the right headspace to quit.

8. Cut back on alcohol.

A drink here and there is fine. Some forms of alcohol, like certain types of red wine, can boost your diet with things like antioxidants. However, all things are good in moderation, and that’s certainly true for alcohol use. Too much alcohol can lead to excessive weight gain, high blood pressure, mobility issues like shaky hands, digestive problems, and heart disease. Some types of cancer — like esophageal, colon, and liver cancer — are linked to excessive alcohol consumption.

9. Get more face time with friends.

Finally, there’s a reason we call it a “social LIFE.” Life’s simply better with friends and loved ones. Our bodies and minds are at their happiest and healthiest when we feel loved, supported, and comfortable. Getting more face time with friends and family improves mental AND physical health. You can also merge the two by meeting up with friends to hit the gym, go to a concert, or hike in the woods. Having a support system makes your body look forward to more happy years ahead.

With these tips in mind, you can practice a healthier lifestyle each and every day. At F3 Wellness Connections, we’re all about wellness that takes care of ALL of you. That means your physical health, your nutrition, your mental health, and your overall connection to your body.

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation with us today and see why we’re so gosh-darn good at what we do! Reading this article puts you halfway there: Work with us today and start your journey to a healthier lifestyle!

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